Rimma Onoseta is a Nigerian writer whose work explores identity, familial bonds, and the colonial corruption of African spirituality. Onoseta holds a degree in Finance from Northeastern University because she realized far too late that she preferred words to numbers. She went on to obtain a Master’s Degree in Marketing from Suffolk University. Onoseta has worked as a forensic accountant, marketing analyst and supply chain specialist. When she’s not writing, Onoseta enjoys traveling and watching documentaries. An avid reader, Onoseta grew up reading late into the night, under her covers, with a flashlight and snacks. She writes stories she wanted to read when she was younger, stories about young Nigerians girls who are chaotic and fierce. She is represented by Kari Sutherland of KT Literary Agency.

Onoseta’s debut novel, HOW YOU GROW WINGS, will be published August 9, 2022 by Algonquin Young Readers.